Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

September 2008 Preliminary IPO Report - A Monthly Report From STOXX Ltd. On European Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)

Date 24/09/2008

P> Based on the close of trading on September 23, in September 2008, 5 companies went public in Europe. No company was added to the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes in September.1

To be included in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes companies must have a free float market capitalization between € 100 million and € 3 billion on the listing date. 2

The European companies which went public in September are as follows:

September 2008 European IPOs

Company Name


Date of IPO

Date of
inclusion in
Index (3 months

Date of inclusion in Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes (12 and 60 months)




Not eligible




Not eligible




Not eligible




Not eligible




Not eligible


The three best performing companies in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes in September were SPAZIO INVESTMENT (Italy, Real Estate), TRADEDOUBLER (Sweden, Media) and WACKER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (Germany, Industrial Goods & Services) with a performance of 13.46%, 13.27% and 12.14% respectively.

For the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months), companies are added one day after their actual IPO date and remain in the index for 3 months. This allows maximum participation in the IPO performance effect. For the Dow Jones STOXX IPO (12 months) and the Dow Jones STOXX IPO (60 months) indexes, companies are added on the second Wednesday following their IPO and remain in the index for 12 and 60 months, respectively.

Companies are removed from the indexes after the close of trading on the first Wednesday following 3, 12 and 60 calendar months of inclusion in the index.

Companies deleted from the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes in September 2008:

In September, no company was deleted from the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months), the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months) and the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (60 months).


The Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (60 months) was the best performing Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index for the month with a loss of -12.41%, closing at 1384.71. The Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months) posted a loss of -13.69% with a closing value of 1765.49. The Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months) decreased -20.15% in September, closing at 1951.84.

During the same time period, the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Index decreased -7.24%, closing at 267.31 and the Dow Jones STOXX 50 Index lost -7.05%, closing at 2710.11.

As of September 23, 2008, Industrial Goods & Services has the highest weight in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months) and in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO (60 months) with 24.53% and 19.43%, respectively. Utilities has the highest weight in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months) with 25.97%.

From a country perspective, Portugal has the highest weight in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months) with 25.97%. Germany weighs 14.78% in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months) and the U.K. weighs 21.28% in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (60 months).



Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (Price, EUR)

September 2008

YTD 2008

Q4 2007


Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months)





Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months)





Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (60 months)










Dow Jones STOXX 600 Index





Dow Jones STOXX 50 Index





The Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes measure the performance of the European IPO market in three different time horizons – 3, 12 and 60 months – based on the duration a component remains in the respective index.

Further information on the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes is available at

1Includes all IPOs that are domiciled and traded at the major exchanges of 18 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) and that are available on major data providers and surpass a minimum size.
2The index universe is defined as all IPO companies in the equity market which would be eligible for the Dow Jones STOXX Total Market Index. Free float market capitalization on the listing date is calculated by multiplying the number of shares with the IPO offer price and with the float factor, defined as IPO shares divided by total shares outstanding.