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NASDAQ OMX Nordic Foundation Supports Financial Market Research Through A Grant To University Of Helsinki

Date 27/11/2012

The University of Helsinki recently announced an open position for a new professorship in Securities Market Law, which is slated to be filled on a permanent basis at the beginning of January 2013. The professorship is unique from a Nordic perspective as it combines the more traditional disciplines of company, finance, market and civil laws into a new independent discipline. The aim of this new role is to raise awareness of the European and Nordic securities market legislation. The new professorship will also provide an opportunity to emphasize Nordic approach in this field of law, including corporate governance issues.

The application period for the position ended on November 26, 2012, and the applicants are Janne Häyrynen, D. Sc. (Econ. & Bus.), LL.M.; Mårten Knuts, LL.D.; Petri Kuoppamäki, LL.D.; Olli Norros, LL.D.; Frey Nybergh, LL.D.; and Ville Pönkä, LL.D.

NASDAQ OMX Nordic Foundation donated EUR 100,000 for establishing this new professorship in Finland, and it is one of the largest donations in the history of the Foundation. NASDAQ OMX Nordic Foundation gets its funding through fines from securities market disciplinary actions imposed on listed companies or member firms. The objective of the Foundation is to promote research of the financial markets in the Nordics and to spur competitiveness and robustness of securities markets in general.