Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Lahore Stock Exchange On The Forefront In Boosting Institutional Investors Particiaption In Developing The Domestic Capital Market

Date 18/12/2013

In efforts to inject more investment and create variety of funds in the Lahore’s capital market, The Lahore Stock Exchange has been consistent in building an investor friendly environment, both in terms of law and function. In flourishing this objective, The Lahore Stock Exchange invited the institutional investors across the nation to hold a table talk and discuss measures required to enhance the institutional investors’ participation in the domestic capital market.

In response to the views expressed by the participants at the event, LSE has learnt that the regulatory and market structure issues require strong working. LSE realized the urge to undertake a framework as part of the Exchange’s duty towards creating optimum demand for the institutional investors. LSE believes domestic institutional investors are the pillars of domestic capital markets and networking with the institutional investors would assist LSE in exchanging effective ways to boost the capital markets injecting more transparency and secure investments.

It may be mentioned that LSE had already managed to have the introduction of the institutional delivery settlement (IDS) mechanism on the Broker to Broker (B2B) trades, the LSE brokers now stand ready to offer their intermediary services to the institutional investors without any time or price disadvantages. Furthermore, with the risk management by NCCPL having being made as an integral part of the B2B trades, LSE brokers now have the capacity to ensure trade completion without any added risk to the institutional investors.

 LSE plans to conduct additional sessions in sequel to the institutional investors roundtable held previously, to formulate a roadmap in reaching the desired results such as a highly liquid market and a transparent investment environment. In light of this initiative, LSE is affirmative to experience an active participation of the institutional investors in the days to come.