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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

IRESS And ASX Launching New Market Connectivity Initiatives - IRESS To Co?Locate With ASX As Foundation Customer

Date 27/10/2010

IRESS Market Technology and Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), have today announced that they are working together to offer an integrated IRESS trading solution for VolumeMatch, ASX’s new large order execution service, by 31 January 2011.

The IRESS platform will also offer trading for ASX PureMatch, an ultra?low latency execution facility for the top 200 ASX listed securities, planned for introduction by ASX later in 2011. IRESS already handles automated routing to ASX TradeMatch, including smart?routing to ASX Centre Point.

As part of these new market access initiatives, ASX and IRESS have also agreed that IRESS will be a foundation customer of the new ASX co?location facility.

Andrew Walsh, IRESS Managing Director, said “Together with execution venue partners, IRESS is constantly looking for opportunities to enhance our market data, trading technology and services. This proactive arrangement with ASX will provide IRESS customers with speed and low?latency capability for trading on the ASX markets in order to maximise single order entry, algorithmic and DMA trading strategies.”

Peter Hiom, ASX Deputy CEO said “ASX is pleased to be working with IRESS to develop connectivity to its new suite of execution services. Access to ASX VolumeMatch through the IRESS platform will provide users with greater opportunity to tap into the new liquidity now available through that service. We also look forward to welcoming IRESS as an important foundation customer to the new expanded co?location facility in late 2011.”

The ASX co?location facility is currently under construction and is due to be made available to customers in the fourth quarter 2011. Details of ASX’s co?location offering are being finalised, and are expected to be made available to prospective co?location customers in January 2011.