Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CalPERS Seeks Environmental Equity Investment Managers

Date 07/09/2004

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) today began looking for investment managers to manage up to $500 million in environmental investment strategies.

CalPERS is seeking information from experienced U.S. and international managers who have a superior track record of managing assets using environmental strategies, including:

  • Strategy name, amount of assets in the strategy and number of clients, its benchmark, inception date of performance; and percentage of total firm assets in the strategy;
  • Monthly returns of the strategy and its benchmark from inception through July 2004 for strategies with at least $5 million of assets;
  • Indicate if assets are in a commingled fund or separate account. If both, specify amount of assets in each.
  • Description of the strategy and if it is marketed as an environmental strategy, socially responsible investing strategy, sustainability strategy, or other.
Potential investment firms should provide information to CalPERS by close of business, September 24, 2004 via email at

In April 2004, CalPERS Board of Administration adopted an environmental investment strategy that targets investments in stock portfolios that use environmental screens. CalPERS has also launched a $200 million Environmental Technology Program that makes private equity investments in environmental technology solutions.

CalPERS has assets totaling more than $166 billion. The System provides retirement and health benefits to more than 1.4 million State and local public employees and their families. For more information on CalPERS, please visit