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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Vienna Stock Exchange: Composition Of Austrian Leading Index ATX Remains Unchanged

Date 05/03/2019

The semi-annual review of the Austrian benchmark index ATX in accordance with the rules and regulations does not result in any changes to the composition or free float factors. Other benchmarks such as the ATX five or the ATX prime also remain unchanged. Calculation parameters such as free float factors will be reviewed again as scheduled on Tuesday, 4 June 2019. The next review of the composition of Austrian benchmarks is scheduled for Tuesday, 3 September 2019.

According to “The Rules for the Austrian Indices of the Vienna Stock Exchange”, the inclusion or exclusion of stocks from the Austrian indices is reviewed twice a year (March and September). Decisions on new additions to the index are based on average daily trading volumes and the free float capitalization of companies. The Vienna Stock Exchange reviews the calculation parameters (number of shares, free float factors, representation factors) of the index on a quarterly basis. Once a month, the “ATX Watch List” is published. Representatives of institutional investors, financial institutions that issue financial products on the indices, trading members of the Vienna Stock Exchange, academics advisors and the Vienna Stock Exchange contribute their know-how to the Index Committee, which approves the index rules. A list of the Committee members is available online.