Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Farming Group AgroGeneration Listed On NYSE Alternext

Date 01/03/2010

NYSE Euronext today announces the admission to NYSE Alternext of AgroGeneration, a farming group specialized in the production of grain and oilseed in Ukraine.

The admission of AgroGeneration (mnemo code ALAGR) was by direct listing following a successful private placement. This placement with qualified investors was entirely by capital increase and represented a total amount of €12 million.

The admission and issue price of AgroGeneration shares was set at €1.80 each and the company's capitalisation on the day of admission amounts to €47.6 million.

Separately, an institutional investor has already given a firm commitment to subscribe a further €2.3 million to be issued in coming weeks.

"We are delighted to welcome AgroGeneration to NYSE Alternext, which offers an effective springboard for the development and recognition of growing businesses," comments Ronald Kent, Group Executive Vice President and Head of International Listings at NYSE Euronext. "This listing gives AgroGeneration and its shareholders the benefit of a trading platform combining state-of-the-art technology and an efficient market model to provide effective access to liquidity."

Charles Beigbeder, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AgroGeneration, and Charles Vilgrain, Chairman of the Executive Board of Directors add: "We are very pleased with the successful listing of’ AgroGeneration. The capitol raised will enable us to rapidly extend our acreage of farming land in Ukraine and win a leading place in the region."

Invest Securities, Listing Sponsor of the operation, is also the Liquidity Provider of AgroGeneration.

NYSE Alternext today counts 126 listed companies from countries including Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK and the US. Altogether, they have raised over €2.26 billion and their market capitalization totals €4.2 billion.