Deutsche Börse: A further exchange-traded commodity issued by db ETC Index plc has been tradable on Xetra since Monday.
ETC name: db Physical Rhodium ETC
Asset class: Commodities
Total expense ratio: 0.95 percent
Benchmark: Rhodium spot price
Due to its limited natural resources and broad applicability Rhodium is one of the most valuable precious metals. The automobile industry uses it primarily with catalytic converters to absorb nitrogen oxides. It also protects the surface of premium jewellery or works as an alloy when combined with Platinum.
The new ETC from db ETC Index plc enables investors for the first time to participate in the performance of physical Rhodium. Pricing is carried out by tracking the performance of the Rhodium spot price. Collateral for the db Physical Rhodium ETC (EUR) is provided by physically deposited Rhodium.
Deutsche Börse’s ETC segment product range currently comprises 181 instruments. The monthly trading volume of ETCs on Xetra averages around €700 million.
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