Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CBOT Posts Highest January Volume Ever At 22,820,812 Contracts, Up 63.7% From December 1999

Date 02/02/2000

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) announced today trading volume of 22,820,812 contracts for January 2000, up 12.1% from January 1999 and up 63.7% from December 1999, the highest ever for the month of January. January Highlights Included: CBOT volume reached more than one million contracts per day on 13 of the 20 trading days in January; Total exchange month-end open interest: 5,484,408; CBOT average daily volume: 1,141,041; Project A® monthly total: 1,204,009; Project A average daily volume: 60,200; Daily volume on January 28 was 2,039,540 contracts; Oat Options set a daily open interest record on January 28, at 12,231; January 2000 set monthly records for most orders entered into broker Ecs, 296,675, and most orders filled electronically, 95,936. This represents a 276% increase from January 1999 for orders entered electronically and a 295% increase for orders filled electronically. Daily volume records were set on January 27 for most orders entered into broker Ecs, 18,784, and most orders filled electronically, 7,097. This represents a 332% increase from January 1999 for the daily average of orders entered electronically and a 415% increase for the daily average of orders filled electronically. Daily statistics on January 10 showed that 21% of all futures orders were filled using broker ECs, including 28% of agricultural orders and 12% of financial orders. By comparison, in January 1999, the average daily percentage of orders filled using broker ECs was 7% of all futures orders, 11% of agricultural orders and 5% of financial orders. CBOT Full membership last traded at $490,000 as of February 1, 2000. CBOT Associate membership last traded at $139,999 as of February 1, 2000. CBOT Commodity options membership interest last traded at $32,500 as of February 1, 2000. CBOT IDEM membership interest last traded at $16,500 as of January 26, 2000. U.S. Treasury bond futures were up 86.9% from December 1999 at 7,966,403. U.S. Treasury bond options were up 74.3% from December 1999 at 2,670,629. Ten-Year Treasury Note futures were up 73.7% from December 1999 and up 56.8% from January 1999 at 3,557,041. Ten-Year Treasury Note options were up 91.6% from December 1999 and up 6.8% from January 1999 at 975,473. Five-Year Treasury Note futures were up 50.9% from December 1999 and up 60.8% from January 1999 at 1,800,515. Five-Year Treasury Note options were up 59.9% from December 1999 and up 23.8% from January 1999 at 339,702. Thirty-Day Fed Fund futures were up 18.3% from December 1999 and up 36.1% from January 1999 at 85,748. CBOT® DJIASM futures were up 24.9% from December 1999 and up 13.2% from January 1999 at 321,846. CBOT DJIA options were up 55.5% from December 1999 and up 82.5% from January 1999 at 24,084. Corn futures were up 75.6% from December 1999 and up 57.3% from January 1999 at 1,502,152. Corn options were up 127.8% from December 1999 and up 133.5% from January 1999 at 454,057. Soybean futures were up 22.9% from December 1999 and up 23.1% from January 1999 at 1,071,895. Soybean options were up 19.0% from December 1999 and up 1.6% from January 1999 at 298,953. Wheat futures were up 22.8% from December 1999 and up 9.5% from January 1999 at 467,050. Wheat options were up 28.1% from December 1999 and up 25.1% from January 1999 at 150,260. Soybean Meal futures were up 1.8% from December 1999 and up 8.4% from January 1999 at 455,335. Soybean Meal options were up 80.1% from December 1999 at 55,981. Soybean Oil futures were up 15.5% from January 1999 at 424,232. Soybean Oil options were up 9.2% from December 1999 at 49,906. Oat futures were up 32.9% from December 1999 and up 14.0% from January 1999 at 27,073. Rough Rice futures were up 34.6% from January 1999 at 12,601. Rough Rice options were up 267.7% from January 1999 at 4,644.