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Build Industrial Capital Integration Platform To Aid Electronic Information Industry Development - Ministry Of Industry And Information Technology Of China And Shenzhen Stock Exchange Hold “Summit Forum On Capital Connection Of China Information Technology Industry”

Date 12/04/2017

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) held the Summit Forum on Capital Connection in China Information Technology Industry in Shenzhen on the morning of April 10, 2017. Deputy Director of the Electronic Information department of MIIT Wu Shengwu and Deputy General Manager of SZSE Jin Liyang attended and addressed the forum.

In his speech, Deputy Director Wu said there are new development opportunities in China’s electronic information industry. With great attention paid to the development of information and technology industry, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council are moving forward the implementation of manufacturing power and cyber power strategies in great depth. Accordingly, the MIIT Electronic Information department has launched a series of policies to support making breakthroughs in core key technologies and enhance industrial quality and efficiency. In 2016, the enterprises above designated scale in the electronic information industry delivered sales revenue of 17 trillion yuan, further enhancing China’s status as an electronic information power in the world. Also, the close integration between industries and financial capital has become an irresistible trend. However, in the current development of China’s electronic information enterprises, there are still perplexing issues including the insufficiency of financing channels, exchange platform and financing experience. To address these issues, a channel that is compatible with the industry features is in urgent need for the sake of connecting with the multi-tiered capital market. To accelerate such a channel construction, efforts can be specifically made from four aspects. The first is to enhance policy synergy to improve the financial services in key fields and for key tasks. The second is to further perfect the cooperation mechanisms between financial institutions. The third is to further the development of venture capital. And the fourth is to further reinforce the collaboration between finance and the industry talent and “going-out” strategies.

Deputy General Manager Jin expressed that SZSE has been committed to constructing a multi-tiered capital market and has upheld the principle of serving real economy development and innovation & entrepreneurship to create an innovative capital center of China. At present, SZSE has formed the multi-tiered market system consisting the main board, SME board and ChiNext board and become the big platform for emerging enterprise gathering and manufacturing enterprise transformation and upgrade. As of March 31, 2017, the number of companies listed on SZSE has amounted to 1,938. Among them, 352 companies are from electronic information-related industries with their total market value of 4.1 trillion yuan, accounting for about one fifth of the total SZSE-listed companies in both company quantity and market value. This indicates that electronic information has become the largest industry segment of SZSE, showcasing pleasing growth and huge potential. While supporting the IPO, listing and expansion of enterprises, SZSE also has cooperated extensively with state ministries, local governments, intermediaries and investment institutions to increasingly extend its service chain for forming a complete venture capital ecosphere. SZSE will further deepen the cooperation with the MIIT Electronic Information department to provide more comprehensive capital market service to electronic information industry.

According to information, the forum is one of the important events of the Fifth China Information Technology Expo. Experts from relevant state ministries, financial institutions and industrial fields were invited to the forum to share their opinions on and the practices of integrated development of the industry from various perspectives, attracting more than 100 participating representatives of local economic and information commissions, venture capital institutions and industrial enterprises.