Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BME Admits To Trading A New Sustainable Bond From The Basque Government - With A Value Of 600 Million Euros

Date 24/04/2019

BME will tomorrow admit to trading the Basque Government’s new 600 million-euro sustainable bond issue. The term of the bonds is 10 years (their final maturity is scheduled for 30 April 2029) and they will yield a 1.125% annual coupon.

This issue is part of the authorisation by the Basque Government, dated February 5, for the carrying out of long-term financial operations with a maximum value of 1.26 billion euros.

Norbolsa, BBVA and Credit Agricole have acted as Global Coordinators and together with HSBC, Santander, Banco Sabadell and Caixabank have acted as Joint Bookruners.

The Basque Government has an A3 rating, stable outlook, by Moody's; A +, positive outlook, by S&P; and A- stable outlook by Fitch. The issue has itself received a rating of A3/A- by Moody’s and Fitch respectively.

This is the Basque Government’s second sustainable bond issue to be admitted to trading on BME.

The issue takes place within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and includes projects on education, health, socio-economic progress, job creation and renewable energies, among others.