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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BM&FBOVESPA Compensates 2013 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Date 04/11/2014

BM&FBOVESPA has compensated those of its 2013 greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) that it was unable to reduce, thus becoming carbon neutral for another year. The initiative began last year, when the Exchange compensated 2011 and 2012.

Among the objectives of this initiative is to foster sustainability best practices by listed companies and by the market in general. The course of action is also in line with BM&FBOVESPA’s Sustainability Policy, which was approved by the Board of Directors in April 2013 and which cements a commitment to initiatives related to climate change.

To compensate the 2013 emissions, there was the purchase of 4,859 carbon credits (or 4,859 tons of CO2 equivalent) generated within the scope of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), named Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The carbon credits purchased by the Exchange were generated by the following small-scale renewable energy projects registered with the United Nations (UN): Celtins and Cemat Grid Connection of Isolated Systems; Garganta da Jararaca Small – Hydroeletric Power Plant; and Termoelétrica Santa Adélia – Cogeneration Project.

GGE compensation is an evolutionary step in work that began in 2009 when BM&FBOVESPA made its first inventory of GGEs, which as of 2010 came to be checked by external inspection. In this way, the Exchange identifies, manages and seeks to reduce its environmental impact, contributing to global efforts to stabilize climate.

To find out more about BM&FBOVESPA’s Sustainability actions, please access: